Thank You for Your Generosity!

Happy new year to everyone! Last December was a time for gift-giving and sharing our blessings to different local communities. The theme of our programs is about hope, faith, and joy. We have our hope in Jesus Christ, who is our Lord and Savior, and it is our prayer that we grow in our faith in Him as we continue to encourage one another. In this year 2024, with gratitude in our hearts let us continue to live with joy and peace in our hearts, which extends to our family and our community!

Inarawan Children’s Ministry

It was good to see the laughter on the children’s faces! We had fun games and they were able to enjoy being with their friends and neighbors. The children have shown their talents through singing, dancing, saying a poem, and they did a drama about the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Truly, it is only through Jesus Christ that we can be changed, that our sorrows can be turned into joy!

Inarawan Youth Ministry

During this Christmas break, it was a time for our scholars and the young people in the community to take a break, to have fellowship and build relationships with one another. During our Christmas party, they had team-building games where they had fun and worked together to accomplish a certain goal. We also had exchange gifts, and food fellowship!

Calawis Outreach Christmas Program

Every Christmas time, we take the opportunity to bless the children and families in the nearby community where our farm and retreat place is located (Hillside Sanctuary). We gave out Christmas packages, soaps, shampoos, and old clothes to the families. We are continually building relationships in the community and looking for opportunities to partner with local churches and organizations in the area to share the Good News.

Imelda Outreach Christmas Program

There were so many families, parents and children who came to our first ever Christmas program in our new area in Imelda. The families were so thankful for the Christmas packages that they have received which includes spaghetti, pasta sauce, biscuits, canned goods that would help in their Christmas celebration. We shared about the message of hope in Christ, and many were encouraged to give their lives to God and grow in their faith. This was just a start because we will be starting a children’s ministry in the area, and please pray for volunteers and openness in the people’s hearts.

Inarawan Family Ministry – House Church

Our Christmas party was a time of thanksgiving and testifying of the Lord’s guidance to the families amidst the challenges last 2023. The message was about the perfect love of God that drives away our fears. The families were grateful for the Christmas packages. Everyone prepared food to share and we enjoyed having fellowship with one another with games and presentations!

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