It is our desire that the young people would become leaders in their communities in bringing glory to God. It is our desire that young people would be able to see their Christian faith that is relevant and that would bring change in their lives and communities for the better. We want to be used by God through discipleship and many other means, to bring transformation in communities to better their lives in different aspects.
That why it is important to empower the youth that they have the capacity to create, to inspire them to start something that would influence others for the better, and to develop something that would help improve their lives, instead of just being taken opportunity of other people. We can help them make more choices in order to better their lives, by valuing them and giving them dignity.
One of our current projects is the Alternative Learning System (or ALS) that provides a practical option to the existing formal instruction. Many Filipinos do not have a chance to attend and finish formal basic education due to many reasons. Some drop out from schools while some do not have schools in their communities. Since every Filipino has a right to free basic education, the government establishes ALS to provide all Filipinos the chance to have access to and complete basic education in a way that fits their distinct situations and needs. We are responding to community needs by to providing out-of-school youths with basic education. (Department of Education 2019)