Livelihood Projects

There are so much creativity and talents in local communities. As we listen to the people, we are exploring different opportunities for livelihood. A part of this is involves the awareness of every individual and families about personal finance which is about budgeting, saving, and spending. Moreover, we have seen the importance of forming savings group that would specifically meet their needs in starting up a business, and also help them finance their different needs in their family.

It is our desire that our mission and vision would be realized when the people and the community will experience a holistic transformation which includes their economic needs. The outcome is to see the community being empowered as they experience God’s plan for a just, humane, and a caring society. It is our desire to see that the livelihood and cooperative endeavors would become sustainable for their families, and that they would create an impact around their community as they see their unity, set an example to the people around them as followers of Jesus, and contribute in the development of the society.